I first noticed this vintage wooden Mattel set on ebay and then noticed others had used them on flickr. I looked up "mattel furniture" in explore and found these! They gave their permission and I want to share these with you.
The color couldn't be better. The apricot color really works.
She titled this "Kerouac Attack"
See her photostream on flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/beastiegirlsinc/4366219737/
Then with high polish is the work of Maryann Roy. You have read about her on Minidork's blog: http://modernminihouses.blogspohttp//www.flickr.com/photos/welcomehomefurnishings/5618615243/t.com/2011/04/maryann-roy-in-112-who-wants-some.html
Look at how chill this is.

to see her website where you can purchase her designs.
And these colors! Maryann says these are the same style as the mattel couches in 1/12 scale. Look how good they look when they are positioned that way! I would never have thought of trying that!
Her flickr stream is:
Last, as I found this
clever approach by Blytheowl, very pregnant! (great way to update your status!)
She used these vintage napkins for the upholstry Brilliant!
You can see more of her work on flickr too
So my head is swirling about how to play with this great furniture.
Fondue Anyone? My picture as soon as I unwrapped them! It is great that these cushions come off so you can experiment with this set without ruining it.
Oh P.S. My Elder Assistant took that photo upper right for us on her first business trip to Indiana for the design firm she works for, and she and all the guests had to spend the night in the basement of the Hampton Inn she stayed at due to tornado warnings! Wow. C